Let me tell you about my life on an Swedish island right in the middle of the Baltic Sea, Gotland. Since I am a Happy Apple User, I also like to write about that!

Gotland is second best at Facebook in Sweden!

This blog is really not writing itself. Somehow I doesn’t seem to get the right angle. What can I write about from my small part of the world that might interest people all over the world? Let’s give it a try. Again. I read an article about Facebook and how common it is in different […]

It seems like I need a blog in english…

I have two Swedish blogs, but as I get more friends from abroad I feel that I would like to start a blog in English too. My name is Åsa. The letter ”Å” is pronounced like ”o” in “born”. I live on the biggest Swedish island, Gotland, right in the middle of the Baltic Sea. […]

Do you want to buy products printed with my design? Go to my homepage magicisland.se to see some examples – I highly recommend the shoes and bags, and then click on a link to one of my online stores.

My Instagram

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Asa in the middle