Let me tell you about my life on an Swedish island right in the middle of the Baltic Sea, Gotland. Since I am a Happy Apple User, I also like to write about that!

Analog or digital creativity?

A friend made a remark about artistic creativity, and suggested that an artist can be more free working with analog tools compared to digital tools. Many people have ideas about this, without really knowing what it’s like to draw and paint digitally. For me it’s not about deciding if it’s better to paint with real, […]

The concept of trust

We all know that trust is important for relations. When we meet a new person we try to pick up as many useful signals and signs of who that person is as possible – can I trust her/him? I sometimes give lectures for big groups of people and then I always try to start with […]

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Will Apple challenge the watch tradition?

The old watchmakers express themselves with power and confidence at BaselWorld in Switzerland; ”the Apple Watch is not a threat” and then they come up with arguments that obviously make sense to them, but are totally irrelevant to me. ”Can it be repaired in 1,000 years or can it be repaired in 80 years?” Biver […]

I tried to paint the big picture of the Apple concept…

Click on the pic to get a bigger image! This is a mindmap that tries to cover all the Apple products and services. I won’t say that it’s complete, but it gives an impression of how many things that are part of the total Apple concept. Even if I know about all this – I […]

Enjoy more of Doris Svensson!

The first blogpost I wrote about Doris Svensson gets a lot of visitors and recently I found out that one reason is that one of her songs is to be heard in the video game Grand Theft Auto. I’m not sure that I like that video game, but I think it’s cool that Doris gets […]

Merry Christmas 2014!

Once again I have created a little Christmas movie! I wish you all a really cozy yule! Merry Christmas from  Åsa in the Middle of the World!

Do you want to buy products printed with my design? Go to my homepage magicisland.se to see some examples – I highly recommend the shoes and bags, and then click on a link to one of my online stores.

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Asa in the middle