It seems like I need a blog in english…

I have two Swedish blogs, but as I get more friends from abroad I feel that I would like to start a blog in English too. My name is Åsa. The letter ”Å” is pronounced like ”o” in “born”. I live on the biggest Swedish island, Gotland, right in the middle of the Baltic Sea. We have only one city, Visby, and I live 43 km north of Visby in the small village Kappelshamn.

I live and work with my companion in life, Roine. We have a company together, We work with information, marketing, market planning, copy, photo, illustration, graphic design and web design. Our daughter Alice has just moved out, but she is still on Gotland, so it’s not like she is totally gone away. Yet. We also have two cats, Silver and Doris.

I will use this blog to tell you about my life here on Gotland.

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