If I was a designer at Samsung…

This never ending story about Samsung shameless copying Apple’s design for iPhone and iPad.. The last thing I read was on Cult of Mac where they let two spokespersons from each side express their opinion.

To make it short you can say that the Android people defend themselves with that all gadgets that are built upon about the same technic will by time get about the same look because it’s handy. Though, that can’t in no way explain why Samsung also design the accessories, packaging and advertising in the same style as Apple. Now they have even used the same actress in their commercials!

It’s just stupid and silly when Samsung claims that they are not copying Apple. The truth is that they are copying Apple as much as they can!

I can’t understand how they can stand living with themselves? I try to imagine that I got the job as a designer at Samsung (which I of course would never ever accept, but hypothetically… and BTW, I’m not even a designer…) or as an Art Director for their advertising. Then I would of course want to create a visual identity that is as much different from Apple as possible. Android has for example created their little green ”spaceman” and I think I am pretty close when I assume that the green man is created because they want to show that Android stands for something else than Apple’s iOS.

From a professional point of view I would also like to show respect for the designers who has created Apple’s visual identity. Exactly the way I wish that others would pay respect for the things I create. But, as long Samsung keeps on copying Apple, there’s no reason to pay them any respect.

If I owned Samsung I would be even more concerned. Okay, there are a lot of examples to show that it’s not always the first and the best product that becomes the market leader and stays alive in the future, but at the same time it seems totally sick to build almost the entire company identity on copying another company. What if the company that you are copying chose the wrong path? How can you trust another company to shape the future for your own products? How do you dare to stop innovate and in stead focus on copying?

As the Apple-fan I am I watch this dirty fight between Samsung and Apple with frustration and amazement. It’s totally unreal that Samsung keep up their copying. They have no shame.



Apple buying Samsung would be interesting.
@asymco Yes! Totally. Not only interesting, but also logical. Maybe that’s what Samsung is going for? Apple buying Samsung = peace?

Click here if you want to read Horace’s blog Asymco!

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