How to become an iTunes Partner as a Content Provider, Part 2…

In February TWO years ago I wrote about ”How to become an iTunes Partner as a Content Provider, Part 1…” I didn’t figure out how to do it by then, but in the beginning of January I finally managed to get an EIN for my company.

I’m sorry to say that Apple gave no useful information about how to get an EIN from IRS. I learned how to do it from a Swedish blogger and it turns out that the best way is to call the IRS and not try to use the on-line option to fill in the registration.

I know English pretty well, but I’m not familiar with the bureaucratic vocabulary so I was very nervous when I called IRS. It’s not easy to spell everything on the phone and especially not when you have a Swedish company named ”Stenstroms Information & Marknadsforing HB”. That’s 38 letters I had to spell out loud for the woman at IRS. And it didn’t help when I tried to be helpful and she said ”No, now we’re going to this MY way!” Ooops?

BUT I did get my EIN directly in the phone and 3-4 weeks later we finally got it on paper too, all the way from USA.

We tried to register as an Apple Content Provider directly when I got the EIN on the phone, but it wasn’t properly registered all the way by then and we couldn’t go through the application until we had got this letter. Since January 28th we are Apple Content Providers! Hooray! 
However, you might want to sell stuff through Amazon as well and now we found that they have better information on how to do everything – so, if you found this blogpost because you want to publish your own books, you will probably learn a lot from Amazon.

We haven’t finished our first book yet, but we are about to and more books will follow. So, I can’t yet tell you what it’s like to actually upload and sell books through iBook Store or Amazon.