The value of design

Every day we are surrounded by a lot of items that someone has deigned. Some people notice the design, see how smart the designer has been with the pedagogic or function so that it gets easier to use the item. This is also valid for digital design.

Others don’t seem to care about this at all. Maybe they see that something looks better than something else and believes that design is a question of looking good. Others don’t even see if something looks good, they think anything can do… Often it’s very hard for people like us that works with designing print and websites, to understand that so many people doesn’t seem to care a bit about if it’s possible to read information, if it makes sense, if it’s possible to find what you look for and if it feels nice and interesting to read. Design takes part in every part. Design supports function.

The old wailing about Apple was built upon the idea that the devices looked good, but didn’t work so much better than a PC – well, the PC-people did of course believe that PC was a lot better because of a lot of technical functions that they were babbling about frenetic. Then it all changed. Apple is the most valuable company in the world. That’s because they work in a holistic way so that technology and design walks hand in hand to give the customers a good user experience. You can’t just go for technology and neglect the design. Over and over again Apple has showed that they care deeply about design. And it pays off.

It’s interesting to see that the PC and Android people don’t seem to have understood the meaning of how technology and design leads to success – working together!

Friday’s verdict when the Californian court made it clear that Samsung has copied Apple in several ways shows it so well. Some of it is namely about the design, for example the shape of a square icon with rounded corners. I think that the Samsung people better understands that the part of their copying that consists of more technology would be important, but that they haven’t thought about design as ”really important”. I think that they put a lot of effort in solving a lot of technical issues and then the design has just been like a little cherry on the top, something you just add in the end. Nothing important. ”Just do something that looks good! Apple seems to have a good sense for design – try to make it similar!” Just like that. And it got even funnier when they copied Apple’s boxes, but without thinking about if they would be easy to open…

I wonder if they now have understand how it all goes together? Or do they only think that it’s unfair?

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    The only real winner in all this is HIMX..
    Samsung is supplied by HIMX ( display drivers)……. Samsung supplies Display for Apple( so pretty good chance HIMX drivers are in Apple products already)…. As PC market (Dell and HP supplied by HIMX) falls apart and more people move to smartphones and tablets ( supplied by HIMX but with better margins) the phone and tablet wars are going to increase in intensity. The upshot is I dont know who will ultimately win as a manufacturer, just that they are probably supplied by HIMX. thestreet also upgraded them on Friday from hold to BUY.

    They also have great exposure to the Win8 launch, another catalyst in the back half of this year.

    Disclosure I am long HIMX from $1.60 and have a price target of $3-$4 over 12 months

  2. Åsa Stenström
    Åsa Stenström says:

    Hi there Anonymous! I don’t have much knowledge about the stock market, except that I follow Apple with great interest. Though, I find you comment interesting and you might very well be right. I googled about it.

    I’ll have to check it up better! Thanks!


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