A trip to Tjaukle

(If you click on a picture you can watch all the pictures as a slideshow)
Today we took a trip to Tjaukle, a place in the middle of Gotland 
where I never been before. Roine carried the rug sack with 
our lunch and we found a nice table to sit by.

In Sweden we call this a Humblebee Flower, but in Latin it’s 
called Geum rivale L, in English it’s called Water Avens. 
I think it’s a very nice and soft flower, maybe a bit shy, 
but also pretty if you look close.

The amazing thing with Tjaukle is this small creek with it’s meanders, 
the stillness and the singing birds. On the other side grows 
a lot of fluffy Equisetum or Shady Horsetail.

I am very proud over this fine photo of a Four-spotted Chaser.
It was really nice to sit still as long as it took for me to take this photo.

This is Marsh-marigold, a flower that I saw a lot when I was a child 
and lived in Vittinge on the Swedish mainland.

Marsh-marigold once again. Do you know that it’s poisonous?

A lot of different plants grow in the creek.

This is what it looks like when the creek curls it’s way through 
the meadows. If I got the right information cows go here and eat
 so that the land stays open. Though we didn’t meet any cows today.

Bogbean. In Sweden we call it Water Clover.

On this Bogbean you can see a small Blue Damselfly.
It flew around like a trembling thread and it was almost 
impossible to take a photo of it. This is the only one I got.

Military Orchid is on of all the orchids that grow on Gotland.

Military Orchid.

A close up from the flower part of Shady Horsetail.

Yet another picture from the meandering creek.

Early-purple Orchid.

Early-purple Orchid.

Here I am, sitting in the shadow. 
It was very hot so I needed a cool relax.
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